Monday, July 2, 2007

Thanks be to God

That is what my pastor said when I told her Danny was coming home today. Thanks be to God for bringing my husband home.

He is home with his PICC line in place. He'll have to receive IV anti fungal for the next 7 days. It was a disappointment, but one we can live with. The girls are so happy. I figured they would be all over him and forget about me, but they've been so very loving to both of us. I've been home off and on during all of this, but my mind has always been on him and his condition. I guess they could always sense that. Tonight the girls got both of their parents back and they are absolutely delighted.

He will still have weeks of home health care and several follow up visits with doctors. We never really thought about all of that. We figured he'd be home and done for a couple of months until his next surgery.

I have to say that although this ordeal has been a nightmare, I made it through this without losing my mind. I am so blessed to have such wonderful people in my life. We've had such support from our congregation, our family, our neighbors, and our friends. Every little thing has helped me stay emotionally strong and faithful. Each card he received, all of the e-greetings and emails, the phone calls, the meals people sent, the babysitters, the gift cards...and the list goes on and on. Thank you all so much for your support, love, and prayers.

1 comment:

Ross said...

That's awesome news!