Friday, July 6, 2007

Back to normal

Life is back to normal for the most part. Actually it is better than normal. We are having a lot of needed family time. A nurse comes by the house each day to run anti fungal medicine in Danny's PICC line, but otherwise we aren't even thinking about medical issues. Danny got a haircut the other day and even drove the van when we snuck off to a movie. My mom had the kids and we went and saw Fantastic Four 2. It was enjoyable and important to Danny to feel like his old self again.

The 4th of July was great. We were outside from about 4pm to 10pm. With the exception of running in for dinner. Danny spent most of the time in a chair, but got to enjoy watching his daughters having a blast and visiting with all of his neighbors. We live in a cul-de-sac filled with small children and great neighbors. The men set off massive amounts of fireworks and the kids enjoyed all of the noise and bright lights. We also get to see Splashtown's firework show from our cul-de-sac which is always a beautiful sight.
Here is picture of Laura with piggy tails. She'll be 2 on July 28th and is just now getting enough hair to play with!
As mentioned in one of Jennifer's girls are definitely country girls. I bought them matching pink boots that were on clearance at Target (I love clearance buys!) and thought they were so cute that I had to buy coordinating outfits to match. Aren't they adorable!
This is a pic from our driveway on the 4th. This is Danny (you can really see the weight he has lost), my mom Pat, and Laura.
Here are some pics of the girls with sparklers. I was a nervous wreck, but they had a great time. Their favorite part of the evening had to be the smoke bombs. The guys would light several at a time and roll them into the street. For those of you that don't know about these things...they spark then start smoking and turn all kinds of colors. The kiddos LOVED chasing them and then standing in the cloud of colored smoke.

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